_ ~H14 ~L500 !N ~L0 ~S12 ~D0,250 ~T!B{INCOME RETURN ANALYSIS, }@ ~L0 ~D0,205,280,355, 430, 505, 580, 655, 735 ~S10 ~T , , ,}ANNUAL HOURS OF CHARTER ~T , ,}100 hours,}200 hours,}300 hours,}400 hours,}500 hours,}600 hours !U{INCOME !N ~D10,205,280,355, 430, 505, 580, 655, 735 ~T{Retail Rate (Example) (1),}$1500/hr,}?rrate1,}?rrate2,}?rrate3,}?rrate4,}?rrate5,}?rrate6 ~T{Total Revenue, ,}?revenue1,}?revenue2,}?revenue3,}?revenue4,}?revenue5,}?revenue6 !U{COST !N ~T{Direct Operating Cost (2),}$919/hr,}?docost1,}?docost2,}?docost3,}?docost4,}?docost5,}?docost6 ~T{AlliencePlus Fee,}$500/mo.,}?apfee1,}?apfee2,}?apfee3,}?apfee4,}?apfee5,}?apfee6 ~T{Charter Commissions (3),}$150/hr,}?charter1,}?charter2,}?charter3,}?charter4,}?charter5,}?charter6 ~T{ ,}Total Cost,}?tcost1,}?tcost2,}?tcost3,}?tcost4,}?tcost5,}?tcost6 ~D0,205,280,355, 430, 505, 580, 655, 735 ~T!U{INCOME RETURNED (to the Flight Department),!N ,}?incret1,}?incret2,}?incret3,}?incret4,}?incret5,}?incret6 !N {Substantial charter income can be generated for owners without interfering with their aircraft use. ~D0,50, 150 ~T{Note: ,{- Original certification, recurring annual training and revision service costs are not included. ~T ,{- Income Returned to the flight department is the difference between charter income and the costs ~T,{ that are incurred as a result of additional flight time only. ~S8 (1) Charter retail rate for a specific aircraft model can vary with location. (2) Reference Conklin & deDecker (Spring 1998) (less Miscellaneous Flight Expenses paid by charter customers). Example does not include fuel and maintenance discounts. (3) Average of 10% Commission based on 50% of business booked by BJS, and 50% booked by Alliance member.